YUKOPARIS AGENCY (ユウコパリス エージェンシー)にご興味をお持ちいただきありがとうございます。この度、私たちは事業拡大に伴い、おとな部門の運営スタートすることとなりました。代表のYUKOは自身の娘である”オア”をキッズモデルとして活躍させることから始まり、これまで撮影やイベントの運営を通じて沢山の子供達と一緒にお仕事をさせていただくことができました。これもひとえに皆様のお力添えのおかげと深く感謝しております。つきましては、こども部門のモデル募集に加え、おとな部門のモデルも募集させて頂いたいております。皆様からのご応募を心からお待ちしておりますのでよろしくお願いいたします。


Thank you for your interest in YUKOPARIS AGENCY. We are excited to announce that we have expanded our child modeling agency to now include adults. The owner, Yuko, originally started her photography business with a simple love of photographing her own daughter and model, Oa.  She continued to grow and discovered a love for not only photographing her daughter, but all children. We had a small dream that began with the name, “YUKOPARIS creativespace” which eventually evolved into YUKOPARIS AGENCY. The agency has done very well in a short amount of time.  Therefore, we have decided to continue and expand on our dream to now include adults into our modeling family.  We thank you for your interest and look forward to hearing from you!

モデル経験の有無は問いません。YUKOPARISの一員になってくれる方は下記のフォームより必要事項をご記入の上送信ください。(所属費等は一切かかりません。) 写真選考を通過された方にご連絡させていただきます。

If you are willing to join us, please fill out the form and send to us. *There is no start-up fee. 

****The portfolio photo session is FREE! YUKOPARIS will be using the photos to help promote you and the photos will be branded. If you would like to buy all the photos during the photo session, you can purchase them for 10,000 yen afterwards. *****

Everyone that applies will be added to the agency however, ONLY CERTAIN PEOPLE WILL BE CHOSEN FOR THE FREE PHOTO SESSION. If you are chosen we will be contacting you to talk more in detail.