YUKOPARIS AGENCY (ユウコパリス エージェンシー)にご興味をお持ちいただきありがとうございます。私たちは大阪中央区に拠点を置く、ミックス・外国人メインのキッズモデルエージェンシーです。元々はキッズ・ファミリーの撮影を中心としたフォトグラファーとしてYUKOPARIS creativespace という名前で撮影やイベントの運営をしていましたが、それに伴い可愛いベビー・キッズに出会う機会が多くあったこと、また我が子がモデル活動をしていたことなど様々な経験が重なり、2019年、モデル事務所を経営するに至りました。現在では300名以上のモデルたちがメンバーになってくれています。
Thank you for your interest in YUKOPARIS AGENCY. We are a child model agency based in Osaka, Chuo-ku. The owner Yuko, originally started photography business mainly for kids and family with the name of “YUKOPARIS creativespace” which led to meeting beautiful babies and kids. In addition with her own daughter being a child model, she decided to make a child modeling agency by putting all of her experiences together. Cullently We have over 300 models.
Since we are parents ourselves and know how important every child is, we put CARE for our models over anything else and strive to create an environment where children can enjoy the experience with us.
Also, even though they are children, being a professional model is very difficult and required to have the skills, and there is a lots of competition. At our company we are putting effort into creating good portfolios (model cards) to make it easier to pass the auditions and trying to provide advice from time to time. Hopefully you get some great jobs at the right time.
Building trust and having strong communication is another part that we will want to have with the model and the model’s parents. We are excited to get to know you and until then take care of yourself!
モデル経験の有無は問いません。YUKOPARISの一員になってくれる方は下記のフォームより必要事項をご記入の上送信ください。(所属費等は一切かかりません。) 写真選考を通過された方のみご連絡させていただきますことをご了承ください。
If you are willing to join us, please fill out the form and send to us. *There is no start-up fee. Due to high volume of applications received, we will only be contacting to successful applicants.